About Services

Security Consultation

Regulatory Compliance Consultation

Security Consultation

Standard Compliance Consultation

Security Risk Assessment

Compromise Assessment

Security Risk Assessment

Penetration Test

Red/Blue Team Exercise

Managed Dectection and Response

Regulatory Compliance Consultation

With good understanding of the cybersecurity laws, privacy protection requirements and relevant regulations of the countries where customers run business, Anxinsec regulatory compliance team can help customers identify risks and gaps, provide corrective suggestions and implementation steps to improve security capabilities and risk management in fulfilling regulatory requirements.



Help organizations comply with cybersecurity law and privacy protection regulations

Prevent or mitigate legal and regulatory risks, build up brand credit and reputation

Earn trust from customers and investors, boost business performance


Experience & Expertise

Our team of analysts and consultants hunts through network data and develops new threat detection techniques based on our deep experience investigating some of the most sophisticated cyberattacks by nation-state and criminal actors.

Expertise in Advanced Threat Detection and Handling

Anxinsec specializes in the APT detection and prevention through its core technology and PB level of samples cooperated with Google and Baidu before offered us advantage in Advanced Threats. Our blue team can help customer understand potential threats and protect themselves better against a targeted attack.

Standard Compliance Consultation

With good understanding of international standard like ISO, PCI and etc., Anxinsec standard compliance team can help customers identify risks and gaps, provide corrective suggestions and implementation steps to improve security capabilities and risk management in fulfilling standard requirements.



Identify and manage cybersecurity risks, ensure business continuity

Improve brand competitiveness and reputation, earn trust from customers and partners, boost business performance

Improve data protection, prevent data lost or misuse

Improve employee’ security awareness, protect organization’s know-how


Experience & Expertise

Our team of analysts and consultants hunts through network data and develops new threat detection techniques based on our deep experience investigating some of the most sophisticated cyberattacks by nation-state and criminal actors.

Expertise in Advanced Threat Detection and Handling

Anxinsec specializes in the APT detection and prevention through its core technology and PB level of samples cooperated with Google and Baidu before offered us advantage in Advanced Threats. Our blue team can help customer understand potential threats and protect themselves better against a targeted attack.

Compromise Assessment

Compromise Assessment is an objective survey in the network and on the endpoints, to discover unknown vulnerabilities, security breaches, malware, and signs of unauthorized access or indicators of compromise, especially the conventional cyber solutions fail to identify the Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs) and allow the attackers to move undetected within your system.



Better understand the status of your network

With the assessment through your network environment, you can visualize the status of security by a clear, comprehensive picture of your security posture including vulnerabilities and possible cyber threats current and in short past.

Improve the security

Receive an overall assessment analysis can help to identify ineffective practices and reduce the risk of key assets stealing like financ.

Alternative for viable risk management

CISA recommends external threat assessments as a best practice and will also require them for certain industries when threat activity increases. Routine Assessment could help those SMEs and organizations with limited resource or budget invested in the cybersecurity, or those relying on their compliance cyber policies, to maintain the healthy status and worked as an outside audit when continuous MDR is not affordable.


Experience & Expertise

Our team of analysts and consultants hunts through network data and develops new threat detection techniques based on our deep experience investigating some of the most sophisticated cyberattacks by nation-state and criminal actors.

Expertise in Advanced Threat Detection and Handling

Anxinsec specializes in the APT detection and prevention through its core technology and PB level of samples cooperated with Google and Baidu before offered us advantage in Advanced Threats. Our blue team can help customer understand potential threats and protect themselves better against a targeted attack.

Penetration Test

Penetration Testing Services is an evaluation of customer’s IT environment security by simulating real-world attacks on different components and bypassing the security of corporate networks protected by the current tools and technology and attempting to exploit them to obtain access to sensitive information.


Based on different requirements of customer, we provide separated examining phase services including:








Visualize the posture gaps and minimize the risk

The penetration testing can directly help the IT teams of customer not only to visualize the weakness and vulnerabilities in the environment to reduce the risk of possible attack surface, but also to figure out the overlooks or blind spots in the IT management against latest threats.

Testing your investment and boost confidence

Another clear result of penetration test is to answer the question of management: How is my investment in cybersecurity working? And is there something else I am missing? The answer will guide the customer to judge the capability of the defense and avoiding the unnecessary expenditures.


Experience & Expertise

Our team of analysts and consultants hunts through network data and develops new threat detection techniques based on our deep experience investigating some of the most sophisticated cyberattacks by nation-state and criminal actors.

Expertise in Advanced Threat Detection and Handling

Anxinsec specializes in the APT detection and prevention through its core technology and PB level of samples cooperated with Google and Baidu before offered us advantage in Advanced Threats. Our blue team can help customer understand potential threats and protect themselves better against a targeted attack.

Red/Blue Team Exercise

The Anxinsec Red Team / Blue Team Exercise aims to prepare customer’s cybersecurity team and learn from the experts during our Red Team /Blue Team exercise, who emulating ethically the realistic security incident drill targeting the organization’s cyber, physical, and human information security elements (Red Team), and who working closely with security personnel team with existing tools and technology to defend against a targeted attack (Blue Team).


Anxinsec Red Team / Blue Team Exercise typically proceed with the defined scenario base discussion, by simulating the tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs) of real-life threat actors, putting customer’s incident response and crisis management team to the test.


Familiar with the approaches of a security attacks

Identify vulnerabilities and weakness in applications and systems

Enhance the management and configuration of existing security tools

Measure the resilience of the customers’ cyber defense

Safe training in practice for customer’s security team

Refine the capability in Incidence Response


Experience & Expertise

Our team of analysts and consultants hunts through network data and develops new threat detection techniques based on our deep experience investigating some of the most sophisticated cyberattacks by nation-state and criminal actors.

Expertise in Advanced Threat Detection and Handling

Anxinsec specializes in the APT detection and prevention through its core technology and PB level of samples cooperated with Google and Baidu before offered us advantage in Advanced Threats. Our blue team can help customer understand potential threats and protect themselves better against a targeted attack.

Managed Dectection and Response

Anxinsec offers the leading MDR services for our partner and enterprises of all sizes in different sectors. We deliver advanced attack prevention and remediation around the clock so our customers do not have to.

On-Demand SOC Staff

Anxinsec offers our customers a fully staffed security operations center that efficiently scales with customer growth and ensures that our security analysts have the technology and training necessary for the customer environments they support.

Improve Detection and Response Time

Real-time telemetry and alerts are correlated across multiple data streams while response actions are tailored to each customer for effective incident response to limit business impact from a security incident.

Advanced Attack Detection

Security analysts perform threat intelligence research and hunting missions based on customer-specific threat profiles 24*7*365. They augment this data with host and network telemetry information and security analytics to detect advanced and targeted attacks.

Reduced Operational Burden

Anxinsec MDR service manages the security technology on your behalf so you can focus your team on more strategic initiatives. This directly saves costs by limiting staffing expenses and the number of tools you need to license. Real-time dashboards, flash reports and after-action reports provide context for security leaders while monthly report provides input for strategic decision making.

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